The Significance of Breastfeeding
The next stage of the mother-child relationship is breastfeeding, which is beneficial for both babies and mothers. It is recommended to breastfeed exclusively without any other food or drink until the age of six months and continue breastfeeding with complementary feeding until the age of two and beyond, as long as breastfeeding suits you and your baby. The longer the period of breastfeeding, the more effective it is. However, it is important to know that even if you breastfeed less than desired, it is still beneficial to your baby’s health.
Why breastfeeding is important for babies
Contains rich colostrum
Customized for nutritional needs and has diverse flavors
Strengthens the immune system
Protects from inflammations and infections
Prevents Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
Reduces the need for teeth straightening
Helps the cognitive development
Reinforces the mother-baby bond
It is soothing
Reduces the risk of chronic diseases
1Contains rich colostrum
The first milk produced after labor, the colostrum, is rich with proteins and antibodies, essential for the baby's health. It provides protection against infectious diseases and promotes a friendly bacterial environment (microbiome), promoting inflammation prevention, obesity prevention, and the development of the brain and digestive systems.
2Customized for nutritional needs
Breast milk contains nutrients that are tailored to the baby's needs and help them grow and develop properly. Essential nutrients, such as iron, are absorbed optimally. As babies grow, breast milk constantly changes to meet their needs. Although babies receive their nutrients through breastfeeding, supplementation with vitamin D and iron is recommended for babies from the age of 4 months. You should also take some additives: folic acid, iron, vitamin D, and iodine.
3Strengthens the immune system
Breast milk contains numerous components that are vital for the development of the baby's immune system early in life. Breast milk provides protection against diseases in the short and long run.
4Protects against inflammations and infections
Through breast milk, the mother transfers antibodies to bacteria and viruses that may cause diseases (for instance, the flu or COVID-19). Therefore, breast milk reduces the risk of infectious diseases in the digestive system, the respiratory system, and ear infections.
5Prevents Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
Studies have shown that breastfeeding reduces the risk of SIDS.
6Reduces the risk of chronic diseases
Breastfeeding reduces the risk of obesity later in life and other chronic diseases, including type-1 diabetes and Krohn.
7Reduces the need for teeth straightening
Breastfeeding reduces the risk of an oral malocclusion, and potentially prevents costly and uncomfortable teeth alignment in the future.
8Helps the cognitive development
Numerous studies have shown that breastfeeding has a positive impact on the baby’s cognitive development.
9Reinforces the mother-baby bond
Touch and the hormonal system triggered during breastfeeding reinforce the bond between you and your baby.
10It is soothing
Breastfeeding has a calming effect on your baby. The presence of melatonin in breast milk, which increases at night, assists in establishing the day-night rhythm.
11Offers diverse tastes
The flavor of breast milk varies based on your diet, and helps infants become familiar with different food flavors that will be introduced to their diet later on.
Occasionally, breastfeeding can be challenging. If you wish to breastfeed but struggle to do so, you should consult a Tipat Halav (Family Health Center) nurse, who can provide solutions for various situations and difficulties. The nurse will refer you to a lactation consultant if necessary (the breastfeeding consultation service at Tipat Halav is free of charge).
Why breastfeeding is important for you
Promotes recovery from labor
Breastfeeding promotes your recovery after labor because it helps contract the uterus and diminishes post-partum bleeding.
Reduces the risk of diseases
Breastfeeding reduces the risk of having breast and ovarian cancer, obesity, type-2 diabetes (adults), hypertension, heart attacks and strokes.
Reinforcing your bond
Breastfeeding reinforces the bond between your baby and you thanks to the close skin-to-skin contact and the oxytocin secretion accompanying breastfeeding.
Breastfeeding also has economic, environmental, and practical benefits
1Saves money
Breast milk is a natural and free resource. Breastfeeding saves expenses on baby formula, bottles, and other equipment.
2Saves time and energy
Breastfeeding eliminates the need to heat and sterilize bottles, and saves time, electricity, and water.
3Protects the environment
Breastfeeding reduces the environmental impact of producing and distributing formulas, as it decreases the air pollution created due to their delivery, as well as the quantity of disposed packaging.
4Improves work efficiency
Studies have shown that because breast milk protects babies from infections and illnesses, the number of work absences of parents to breastfed babies is lower.