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Developmental milestones: 12 months to 18 months

11 February 2025

Developmental milestones

  • Language Development
    • Expressing desire by a gesture of words.
    • Pointing to familiar objects on your request.
    • Saying 2 or 3 words.
  • Motor Development
    • Getting up with support.
    • Walking with support.
    • Putting a cube in a cup.
  • Social Development
    • Establishing eye contact and reciprocity in shared playing.
  • 1
    This is the time to talk

    Encourage your child to have a conversation with you by mentioning the name of everyday objects when spending time together, for example, on the way to preschool, in the bath, when dressing, during a meal, and so on. Your child should become familiar with his or her body. When the child gets dressed and baths, you can practice and teach the child the names of the parts of the body. You can also read relevant stories to the child. At this stage, encourage your child to make an effort to tell you what he or she wants: when it looks like the child wants something – wait a moment and give him or her the opportunity to ask in words or gestures, based on age, even if you already understand what he or she wants.

  • 2
    Reading books

    Children enjoy stories long before they know how to read or even speak. You can hold your child in your lap, creating pleasant contact or eye contact, when reading. You do not have to read the exact text, or even finish the entire book. Story time is an opportunity to speak to each other. You can refer to the characters, the voices they make, the illustrations appearing in the book, and so on. You can also read a section, take s short break and wait for a response such as a sound or a smile, and then respond in a similar manner. This is essentially a very early form of a conversation. It is also an opportunity to observe your child, to learn about his or her preferences and to adapt yourself to the child's needs.

  • 3
    "By myself" - now is the time to encourage independence

    True, most of your child’s eating time is disorderly or dirty but this independence is critical. You should use appropriate food, ensure safe eating and age-appropriate utensils, and most importantly – have fun together. You can try a variety of textures and use eating utensils of all sizes and materials. You should call foods and utensils by name, make up songs about them, and do anything that makes you and your child smile.

    Similarly, you should allow your child to play a variety of games, thereby encouraging curiosity and learning, and correct use of the hands.

  • 4
    Rest? Nope!

    Your child has reached an age when infants want to walk, climb, go up and down. On the one hand, it is extremely exhausting. On the other hand, it is excellent preparation for stable, independent walking. You should encourage the child to gradually move towards objects or people, always with supervision. You can also encourage the child to safely climb up and down stairs with support.

  • 5
    Kisses are fun, and important

    Kisses are an extremely important development skill. The ability to kiss has social implications and indicates development of control over the muscles of the mouth, lips, tongue and cheeks. These muscles are critical in the development of language expression. This ability can be strengthened by games mimicking the actions of the mouth, tongue, lips and cheeks. In other words, it is time for kisses. If your child does not want to kiss other people – that is perfectly fine. He or she can always blow kisses in the air or kiss a doll.

  • 6
    Maybe it’s too much?

    It is important to note your child's preferences and moods, and to adjust the activities and stimuli accordingly so that it will be pleasant. Occasionally, too much stimuli can be overwhelming. If the child looks away or shows signs of irritation and tiredness, try to ‘clean’ the area and reduce stimuli. The child may have had enough play time.



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