Vaccinations for Schoolchildren
In the first years of life, parents come to family health centers with their infants to have them vaccinated against serious diseases. The vaccines, which are administered according to the routine vaccination program, are the best protection we have against these diseases, which may be dangerous. Later, according to the vaccination program, schoolchildren get booster doses of the vaccines they received earlier at family health centers and additional vaccines. It is important to continue to have them vaccinated according to the vaccination programs at the times recommended at each age, to continue to protect them against these diseases.
About the immunization schedule
Booster dose: strengthening of immunity level
Some of the booster doses given in school reinforce the vaccines that the children previously received at the family health center. Booster doses are necessary because the immunity level provided by the vaccines provided earlier in life gradually decreases over time. For example, the diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough vaccine is administered in 4 doses to infants in the first year of life, and the booster doses administered in the second and eighth grades restore the immunity level against these diseases.
Vaccination for influenza: varies every year
A vaccine for influenza is given in 2nd, 3rd and 4th grades in school. In special education schools, it is given in 1st to 6th grades.
As influenza strains vary from one year to the next, annual vaccination against the strains that are expected to be the most common in the coming flu season are necessary.
For information on influenza vaccine for children
FAQ: flu shots for babies and children
Everything you need to know and do before getting vaccines at school
- Health declaration form: at the beginning of the school year, the Ministry of Education sends all parents a request to fill in a health declaration. It is important to complete it and return it to the school, to allow for follow-up of your child’s health. You can fill the form online after registering on the Ministry of Education’s portal with your identity number.
To fill a health declaration form online (Hebrew) - Vaccination booklet: about two weeks before vaccination, the school will ask you to provide your child’s vaccination booklet to the school nurse. It is important to provide the booklet by the time stated in the notice to allow the school to prepare in advance for the number of vaccines required. The vaccines provided at school are logged in the Ministry of Health’s digital medical information system and in the individual vaccination booklet, so that you can always know what vaccines your child has been given. Even if the vaccination booklet is lost, the child can be vaccinated at school. A lost vaccination booklet can be restored (fee is required).
For information on restoring a lost vaccination booklet - Updating on side effects: if your child has had certain side effects after past vaccinations, it is important to update the school’s health staff about this.
- If you have objections: if you object to your child being given a certain vaccine or vaccines, you must state this in the health declaration or update the school’s health staff in advance.
- When is vaccination prohibited: if your child has an acute illness involving fever of more than 38 degrees, they cannot be vaccinated. But if they have a mild illness with fever lower than 38 degrees, have a common cold (a mild upper airway infection), mild diarrhea or a local infection, they may still be vaccinated. In any case, the school’s health staff has professional knowledge on the matter. In addition, for every vaccine there are specific conditions in which it cannot be administered ("contraindication").
Possible side effects and how to report them
A few of those who receive the vaccines may develop side effects after the vaccination. However, these side effects are usually mild and resolve on their own after a day or two. If your child experiences any side effects after being vaccinated at school, it is important to inform the school nurse, or the local health services provider.
Completion of vaccination
If your child has not received the vaccines included in the routine vaccination program previously, the school’s health staff will notify you and help arrange completion of the vaccination with your consent.
For students from tenth grade to the age of 18 – vaccines will be completed at governmental health bureaus. You need to schedule an appointment with the Ministry of Health hotline at *5400.
For further information on completing vaccinations
For information and inquiries
You can contact the school nurse or the health services supplier of the school.