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Developmental milestones: 3 months to 6 months

11 February 2025

Developmental milestones

  • Sensory Development
    • Gazing at a vertical line, up and down.
  • Language Development
    • Making repetitive sounds, including consonants (such as mah, bah, gah).
  • Motor Development
    • Lifting the head and chest while lying on the stomach.
    • Reaching out and grasping objects.
    • Bringing the hands closer to the midline of the body and joining fingers.
  • Social Development
    • Making sounds in response to your voice and sounds.
    • Smiling in pleasure and at sounds in response to your smile and speech to them.
  • 1
    More and more games

    There are many ways to play. You can give babies age-appropriate toys, encourage them to play in all kinds of physical positions: lying on their stomach, lying on their back, and in your lap.

  • 2
    Reading books

    Children enjoy stories long before they know how to read or even speak. You can hold your baby in your lap, creating pleasant contact or eye contact, when reading. You do not have to read the exact text, or even finish the entire book. Story time is an opportunity to speak to each other. You can refer to the characters, the voices they make, the illustrations appearing in the book, and so on. You can also read a section, take s short break and wait for a response such as a sound or a smile, and then respond in a similar manner. This is essentially a very early form of a conversation. It is also an opportunity to observe your baby, to learn about his or her preferences and to adapt yourself to the baby's needs.

  • 3
    Familiar faces and strangers

    Your baby flows your responses to determine how safe they can feel in their environment. Initially, babies respond with warmth to any person but over time, they distinguish between people they know and strangers, developing stranger anxiety. This is a natural and appropriate reaction. You should allow your child to slightly distance from you, to explore the surrounding and to return to you when he or she wants.

  • 4
    Diapers and rolling

    Turning over from back to stomach should be encouraged after every diapering through exercises: gently bending your child’s leg towards the body’s midline, while tilting the body in that direction. Babies who are ready to turn over will complete the movement on their own. Remember you should never leave a baby alone on the diapering table or on any other elevated surface even for a minute.

  • 5
    Maybe it’s too much?

    It is important to identify your baby’s preferences and moods, and to adjust the activities and stimuli accordingly so that it will be pleasant. Occasionally, too much stimuli can overwhelm the baby. If he or she looks away or shows signs of irritation and tiredness, try to ‘clean’ the area and reduce stimuli. The baby may have had enough play time and would be happy just to sleep.



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