At this stage, we will continue to reinforce skills that have already been developed through play, motion and imagination. We will pay attention to significant development at this age: social development. We will encourage the children to play with their peers at home, outside or elsewhere, while minimizing exposure to television and computer screens - and increasing outdoor activities in nature and in playgrounds.
Towards the age of 6, you can also sign up for swimming lessons. Until then, it is important to follow the water safety rules. Around this age, start practicing how to safely cross the street with the child, for example on the way to kindergarten or school, and the rules of safe driving on school buses. It is important to remember that children do not have the necessary skill to cross streets by themselves until the age of 9.
It is also important to know that although the age of 6 is the legal age at which children can be left alone at home - staying home alone is not recommended at least until child turns 9, and even then, it depends on the willingness and capabilities of the child.