
By age

Growth Assessment at School

9 July 2024

Course of the growth assessment and results

Before the examination, pupils will receive an explanation in class about the test and general recommendations for a healthy lifestyle. The test itself is performed in class or in a room in the school where privacy is protected.

Growth assessments are done using growth charts that depict the breakdown of weight and height and a calculation of the body mass index (BMI) by sex and age.

  • 1
    Weight measurement

    Weight is measured, and the result is entered into the pupil’s weight chart.

  • 2
    Height measurement

    Height is measured, and the result is entered into the pupil’s height chart.

  • 3
    BMI calculation

    Once the weight and height measurement results are entered, the BMI (body mass index) is calculated. This measure reflects the ratio between weight and height squared. It reflects the amount of body fat and can be used to determine whether the weight is normal, or if the pupil is underweight or overweight. BMI for girls and boys differs and changes with age.

Updating the parents and continuing monitoring