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Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation After Childbirth

Liat Shik-Nave, Rehabilitation physiotherapist
15 June 2024



Exercise and strengthen the pelvic floor muscles immediately after childbirth

Immediately after childbirth, you can and should start training and strengthening your pelvic floor muscles. The exercise does not damage the sutures (stitches), if you have had any, but increases the blood supply to the area, promoting healing. The exercise can even reduce pain caused by the sutures.

The exercise stages

Sit upright, you can lean if you want to, and close your anus like trying to hold in urine or feces, and relax. This is a small, fine movement, and feels as if the anus and vagina are drawn up a little from the chair.

Make sure not to contract additional muscles at the same time, such as your thigh, abdominal or buttock muscles. You can also perform this movement while lying down or standing.

Continue to breath regularly while contracting and check for a few seconds whether you are able to maintain the contraction.

Perform up to 10 sets lasting a few seconds that you reached in the initial practice. Repeat this 3 times a day.

Important: after childbirth, it is advisable to start contracting for approximately 3 seconds and gradually progress over time until you contract for 10 seconds.

Emphases for the exercise