
By age

Screen Time and Children's Health

1 August 2024

Recommended screen time

  • 2-5 years

  • 6-18 years

It is important to note

It is important to note

Recommendations for the safe usage of mobile phones among children

The Ministry of Health recommends adhering to safety rules in the use of mobile phones, especially among children.

  • 1
    Minimize the use

    Minimize the use of mobile phones among children. As parents, it is your responsibility overall, and particularly in this regard, to set an example for your children. For instance, whenever you engage with them—during a conversation, a meal, or while assisting with homework—make it a practice to put your mobile phone aside.

  • 2
    Wait with the personal phone

    Your child may pressure you to buy them a mobile phone, especially if they have seen one at a friend’s house. Aim to delay the introduction of a mobile phone for as long as possible.

  • 3
    Use headphones

    Ensure that you use non-wireless headphones or a speaker while using a mobile phone.

  • 4
    Avoid during social gatherings

    Limit and minimize the use of mobile phones and social media during family meals, social events, and before bedtime.